India’s Ministry of Defence has signed a contract with Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) for the construction of eight Fast Patrol Vessels for the Indian Coast Guard at a total project cost of INR 473 crore. The contract was signed by Joint Secretary (Maritime and Systems) Dinesh Kumar and Chairman and Managing Director, GSL Commodore (Retd.) BB Nagpal in New Delhi.
GSL will be designing, developing, and manufacturing these surface platforms under the Buy (Indian-IDDM) Indigenously Designed, Developed, and Manufactured category. They will be stationed along the coast of India, able to operate in shallow waters and enhance the security apparatus along the vast coastline.
According to the Ministry of Defence, while meeting Aatmanirbhar Bharat’s objectives, this will boost the capability of indigenous shipbuilding and increase employment opportunities. By signing the contract, the Government will further enhance its resolve to make India a defence manufacturing hub that caters to the domestic market as well as exports.